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The Lakes & Ponds - Lake Numbers on Map

Here is a general description of how the water flows through Spanish Wells.

The red arrows indicate the direction of water flow. On the map below, the green colored lakes in Marbella are at high water of 12' above sea level. All these lakes are connected by underground pipes keeping them at the same level.  If there is more rainwater than that, it flows to the west into the Las Brisas Lakes which are shown in yellow, with their high lake water set at 11' above sea level. During the dry season (winter), most lakes are lower and will not flow into the next.  Overflow water above 11’ flows from the Las Brisas lakes into a ditch along the western edge of Spanish Wells, South, then East and finally to Lake 50. The water then flows south into a canal along Old 41 and travels to Wiggins Pass and to the Gulf of Mexico.  

Many of the other lakes, indicated in blue, flow through a series of pipes to Lake 12 where the driving range is located.  Lake 12 is the source of all irrigation for the 27 holes of the golf course, and only the blue lakes contribute water to Golf Course irrigation. Any excess water from the blue lakes work their way south to Lake 50 where it exits to the Gulf of Mexico as described above.  To avoid flooding during Hurricanes and rain events, pumps are used to help move water off of Spanish Wells into lake 50. That water exits over the large concrete weir and towards the Gulf.

SW Map with flows.jpg
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